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Tree Health Care / IPM



Integrated Pest Management- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) involves inspections to identify  problems and then application of specific measures to manage those problems, avoiding chemical treatments when possible.  Treatment may include physical, biological, cultural and other environmentally sensitive measures.

By applying our IPM (integrated pest management) system of inspections and treatments we have been able to prevent or treat pest and disease problems for our customers while minimizing the use of pesticides.  The  system includes the following:

· APRIL inspection, with application of appropriate treatments for over-wintering scale insects, mites, gall insects, and for other early emerging pests.  Also, preventive fungicides are applied on certain species.  Soil injections for bronze birch borers and/or leafminers and scale are applied at this time.

· MAY inspection, with application of treatments if needed for foliage eating insects and worms and continued fungicide sprays where needed.

· JUNE inspection, with treatments for late emerging pests and continued fungicide sprays where needed.  Nutritional and stress evaluation of certain trees.

· JULY inspection, with sprays for mites where needed.  Also, some other pests’ life cycles dictate treatments at this time for control.  Some fungus diseases may need a July spray.  Also, this inspection includes nutritional evaluation for planning of fall fertilizing.

· AUGUST inspectionof selected landscapes, if needed based on earlier problems identified.

· ON CALL INSPECTION  at any time the homeowner sees something of concern and calls us to check it.



· Preserves beneficial insects such as predatory wasps, ladybugs and other insects which help to keep pest insects under control.

· Avoids application of excessive pesticides to the environment.

· Is specific and based on scientific principles and guidelines from university extension services.

· Includes expert inspections each month of all landscape plants by a Board Certified Master Arborist.

· Avoids the “shotgun approach” of many lawn and landscape services.  Those “one size fits all” regimens apply pesticide cover sprays several times each season, often without using the specific product for a particular problem and without the precise timing needed for control of certain pests and diseases.  In many cases, the main impact is on the beneficial insects, thus converting a potential problem into a real one.  When asked what they are spraying for, the answer is often “aphids”, and usually there is no good reason to spray for aphids.

· We do not spray just because insects are there or could be there, but rather to prevent injury to a tree or evergreen by excessive numbers of insects.  Many “pest” insects are not harmful to the tree and do not need control when present in small numbers.

· Some diseases can be very harmful and require specific sprays applied with specific timing and are not amenable to a shotgun, cover spray approach. 

EXCLUSIONS- Special Treatments.   These are not included in the basic IPM program, but are provided by our company at an additional cost.  They are not included because they are not an annual treatment, or are somewhat elective and can be expensive.

  1. Emerald Ash Borer prevention- Often involves trunk injections of insecticide for good control in larger trees and is an individual choice of the homeowner whether to incur that expense.  Usually 7 to 14 dollars per trunk diameter inch.  See page in website discussing this problem and treatment.
  2. Other trunk injections for nutritional therapy or disease and pest control.  These can be expensive and must be considered on an individual basis.  Usually 5 to 12 dollars per trunk diameter inch.  See webpage on scale control, Dutch Elm Disease, tree injection therapy. 
  3. Fertilizing- Fertilizing is tailored to the needs of the landscape trees and based on observations during the monthly inspections in the IPM program. Some problems may need a combination of root feeding and trunk injections to correct specific deficiencies.
  4. FEES for special treatments are based on size of tree or trees involved.


See also the webpage on IPM vs. a "program"








Emerald Ash Borer prevention- Often involves trunk injections of insecticide for good control in larger trees and is an individual choice of the homeowner whether to incur that expense.


Other trunk injections for nutritional therapy or disease and pest control.  These can be expensive and must be considered on an individual basis.


Fertilizing- Fertilizing is tailored to the needs of the landscape trees and based on observations during the monthly inspections in the IPM program. Some problems may need a combination of root feeding and trunk injections to correct specific deficiencies.


Sanitation Pruning and Tree Surgery– When needed, to treat specific problems or enhance treatment effectiveness.


If there are any significant problems identified or new treatments applied or needed, written reports will be left at the time of inspection or sent within one week.  July inspection report may be sent along with a proposal for fall fertilizing or nutritional injections. 



 TriCity Tree Doctor  Call us at 989-454-0227

United Tree Service  Call us at 810-266-4363